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Dijital Çağ

Dijital çağ getirdikleri yenilikler ile birçok avantajlar sağlar. Bunlardan faydalanmak için iyi anlamak gerekir.

Dijital Çağın 3 ana karekteristiği:

1. Dijital data hacminin kitlesel olarak büyümesi:

2. Exponansiyel Büyüme (Moore yasası, Web 2.0, sensörler, IoT)

3. Birleşme (İnsanlar, Makineler, networkler)

Dijitalleşme ne anlama gelir:

  • Datayı biriktirme
  • Datayı analiz etme, karşılaştırma, karar vererek kullanma, tahmin etmek.
  • İletişim, transfer
  • Çok doğrultulu akışlar
  • Simulasyon

Bulut Hesaplama

Talep halinde network havuzuna ulaşarak bilgisayar kaynaklarını (networkler, serverlar, depolama alanı, uygulamalar, servisler) kullanmak demektir. En az yönetim çabası ile talepler karşılanır.

Bulut insanları, dataları ve bilgisayarların büyük ölçekli olarak birleştiği bir yerdir. Dijital çağ ile yazılımların çalışması için gerekli fiziki mekanlara ihtiyaç kalmamıştır.

Buluttaki bağlantılar 3 tiptir:

  • Makine – Makine: Makineler kuralları takip etmekte iyidir fakat kalıpları algılamada ve sebep belirlemede zayıftır.
  • İnsan – Makine:
  • İnsan – İnsan

İnsanın Dijitalleşmede rolü:

  • Bir data noktası
  • Bir sensör
  • Akıllı bir işlemci

Dijital çağa bilişim veya bilgi çağı da denilmektedir. Ay-ERP dijital dönüşüm çözümleri ile şirketinizi geleceğe hazırlar.


  • Information Technology: Input: more data, processing: better algorithms, output: worldwide access, more speed at real time.
  • IoT: Internet of Things, connectivity: decrease of communication cost by factor 40, processing: decreased of processing cost by factor 60, hardware components: decrease of sensor cost by factor 50
  • the the four realms of impact: Process, Product, Market, Employee


  • Embedded systems (softwares in anywhere) + Global networks/services
  • New features: Real-time modification, interfaces and standardizations, process orientation, service orientation

Compelling forces

  • Cost reduction and miniaturization of sensors
  • IPv6 addressing
  • vertically-integrated modules and applications released by vendors
  • clear case of betterment of bosy care, safety, disaster alert, prevention or recovery
  • Yields enhncement in enjoyable customer experience
  • Common advanteges of early adopters
  • Collection and analysis of further data shed additional bussiness opportunities
  • Respond to competitive and market pressure

Challenges of Industry 4.0

  • Data: Availability, Accessibility. Quality, Filtering, Processing, “volume-time-accuracy”
  • Data processing: Proprietary platforms, lack of universal standards, legacy systems
  • Secuirty and Privacy: Cybersecurity measures, government laws, confidentiality issues
  • Software development & interoperability – Proprietary platforms
  • Human- machine re-division of work and user interface design
  • Advancements in sensor technologies, size and cost reductions.

Şirketlerde standart neden gelişmez

Problem oluştuğunda ustaya söylendiği zaman usta gidip tamir ederse standart gelişmez. Usta çalışanı başka yere gönderir veya çalışanı makineye dokundurmaz. Kendisi saatlerce uğraşıp ileri geri yaparak bir şekilde çözer. Belkide çözemez ama anlık olarak çalıştırır ve proses devam eder. sonrasında problem tam olarak çözülmediği için tekrarlar. Burada öğrenme usta kademesindedir, aktarma yoktur.

Almanyanın Endüstri 4.0 ı bulması

Alman hükümeti yaptığı araştırmada yaptıkları makinelerin pazar payının artık artmadığı ve makinelerin yıllar boyunca kullanıldığını keşfetmiştir. Bu nedenle makinelere yeni özellikler eklemek gerektiğine kadar verir.

6S Strategis Growth in U.S

  • Space/Aerospace – Advanced manufacturing
  • Semiconductor – Future Electronics
  • Shale Gas – New Energy
  • Smart ICT Service – Analytics Value Creation
  • Silicon Valley – Relentless Innovation
  • Sustainable Talent Pool – Unlimited Talents

Five-Level Productivity Model

  • Level1: 5S and Kaizen Model (Hands on Level)
  • Level2: NC, CAD/CAM, CIM Lean Manufacturing Systems and Six-Sigma (Data Level)
  • Level3: Predictive Analytics Tools (Information Level)
  • Level4: Decision Making and Optimitation Tools (Knowledge Level)
  • Level5: Synchoronization Tools (Autonomous Level) data transformation -> prediction -> optimization -> synchronization

Smart Product

Computing power and connectivity, integration

Sustained Behavioral Change

Direct link between rewards and compliance

Difficult to sustain interest, engagement and compliance

  1. Safe and secure, healty: Güvenlik: Beynin amacı insanı güvende tutmaktır. Karanlık güvensiz değildir. Karanlık insanda güvensiz duyguları uyandırır.

2. to Blong and feel love:

3. To be a part of a great

The 6 human needs are:

  1. Certainty/comfort
  2. Uncertainty/variety
  3. Significance
  4. Love and connection
  5. Growth
  6. Contribution

There are 5 levels of core human needs.

Level 1: SURVIVAL—Psychological needs
Level 2: CERTAINTY—Safety and security
Level 3: BELONGING—Feeling loved
Level 4: SIGNIFICANCE—Confident and worthy
Level 5: MEANING—Purpose, growth and contribution

Two Ways We Disturb Ourselves Emotionally

There are a number of different core beliefs that people can hold that will disturb themselves emotionally, but they fall into 2 general categories.
First, people can hold irrational beliefs about THEMSELVES, or what is often referred to as their ego. These beliefs often are also tied to beliefs about approval by others. This is called an Ego Disturbance.
Second, people can hold irrational beliefs about their emotional or physical COMFORT. This is called a Discomfort Disturbance. Most people tend to hold irrational beliefs in one of these categories more than the other.

  1. Ego Disturbances are caused by placing unreasonable demands on ourselves, and when we don’t meet those demands it impacts our self-image. For example, we may demand that we do well at something and that we must not fail, and we may also tie our need to do well to a need to be approved of by others. If we do not do well, we then feel shameful about our lack of competence and embarrassed due to the perceived scorn of disapproving others. The fear of not doing well and the resulting shame may lead us to avoid any situation in which we might fail or be disapproved of. This in turn may hold us back from what we want to do in life.
    In what ways are you
  • Discomfort disturbances are caused by placing unreasonable demands on others and on outside situations. For example, we may believe that other people should treat us a certain way. We also may put demands on our environment and the circumstances that we live under. When these demands are unreasonable and our expectations are not met, we feel frustrated or uncomfortable. This disturbance causes harmful emotions and behaviors that would not exist, even in the same circumstances, if the irrational belief was not setting unreasonable expectations in the first place.
    Discomfort disturbances comes in two forms: low frustration tolerance and low discomfort tolerance. The two types are similar, and many times are associated or referred to as one and the same. Let’s look at both more closely.
  • 2.a. Low frustration tolerance happens when you demand that frustration must not happen in your life. This could be a belief that the world is supposed to make you happy or a belief that everything is supposed to be perfect or ideal. The problem occurs when life inevitably does not make you happy or isn’t perfect because you will find the resulting frustration unbearable. You believe it shouldn’t be happening. Instead of a minor frustration, it feels horrible.
    You may also believe that things have to be the way that you want them to be. But then, when everything isn’t exactly as you think it should be, you can’t stand it and you make it more significant than it really is or needs to be. Your unrealistic expectation that everything is supposed to go your way makes it challenging to enjoy your world because you’re always disappointed.
    What have you been experiencing frustration about?
  • 2.b. Low discomfort-tolerance on the other hand is when you believe that you should not experience emotional or physical discomfort or pain. Then when you experience any physical or emotional discomfort, you catastrophize it and make a big deal about it, like it’s the end of the world. Then you don’t just experience the pain or sadness, you find the experience absolutely intolerable! And so you are likely to avoid anything that may create any physical or emotional discomfort.
  • In what ways do you tend to experience emotional or physical discomfort?

Evaluative Thinking: 4 Dysfunctional Ways We Assign Meaning

In the next sections we’re going to look more closely at the 3 core beliefs that result all irrational
thinking. These beliefs are ultimately what cause our emotional disturbances. However, in order to
develop an understanding of these beliefs and why they are problematic we need to look at the evaluative
level of thinking. You’ll recall that there are 3 levels of thinking: inference, which is when we decide what
is going on, evaluation, which is when we decide what it means, and core beliefs, which are the underlying
rules that dictate our inference and evaluation.
In REBT we look closely at the way that we evaluate what is going on around us because this is where
we have the greatest power to change our thinking. You see, our beliefs are general and we don’t put them
to use until something happens and we can apply our rules to the situation and evaluate if they’re being
met. So, once individual situations happen in life, we evaluate what happens and decide what it means.
If you ask yourself or someone else “what does this mean” or “why does this matter” you’ll easily
get an answer. But if you immediately asked, “what is the belief that is causing you to have this emotion
or think this way?” you would receive only a blank stare.
And, so, in the next section we will begin to look at the process for identifying irrational thinking and
rooting out the underlying beliefs, and much of the work will be done at the evaluation level of thinking.
The reason it is so important to understand the way we tend to evaluate what happens in our lives is
because the meaning we assign to situations is what ultimately causes our emotional and behavioral
response to it. A situation may cause a result in our life at a practical level, but how we think and feel
about it is what determines how we experience that result. We’ve mentioned the idea of a secondary
disturbance before, which is when we experience a situation that is already unpleasant or challenging and
we add another layer of disturbance by judging the situation in a way that upsets us. You can find yourself
in a situation where you already feel upset because things aren’t going your way and then you can make
it worse by evaluating the situation and making a judgment that things are never going to go your way,
which of course makes the experience worse.
There are 4 main destructive ways that we evaluate life circumstances, including: demanding,
awfulizing, people-rating, and discomfort intolerance.


The first one, demandingness, is actually the first step to evaluating what something means to us. The
other evaluative processes build upon this one. Remember, when we talked about the rules or beliefs we
create in attempt at meeting our needs, it isn’t the core human needs that cause the problem, it is the
demands we put on ourselves, others, and the world regarding what we belief is required for our needs to
be met. It’s reasonable to need love and belonging and to feel safe, but it’s not reasonable to demand
approval and unending comfort.
When a situation occurs, we evaluate it and ask ourselves “is this situation meeting my demands and
expectations about myself, others, or the world?” Because the belief we hold tells us that these demands
MUST be met, if the answer to the question is NO, it causes an emotional disturbance and leads to
destructive behavior.
The two words to be on the lookout to spot a demanding belief or evaluation are the words “should”
and “must”.
In what areas of your life are you demanding that you or others “must” or “should” do something?
The SOLUTION to demanding thinking is to turn the MUST into a PREFERENCE. Tell yourself, “I
prefer it to be this way, but if it is not, that’s okay too.”


When a situation occurs, we evaluate it and ask ourselves “how bad is this?” And usually, because
our demands aren’t being met, our answer is that it’s the worst-case scenario, it’s horrible, it’s awful. We
may even ask ourselves “how likely is it to continue to happen or that there will be a terrible consequence?”
And, of course, we’re likely to think the answer is FOREVER and YES, and so we make it even worse.
For example, if your boss tells you that he wants to meet with you, you may evaluate what it means and
conclude that it must be something horrible—in fact, you’re probably going to be fired. This will impact
how you approach the meeting, your emotional state, your interactions with others and every other aspect
of your life until you have that meeting. It may turn out that the meeting was to offer you a raise or
promotion instead.
In what areas of your life are you awfulizing or making a big hairy deal about something that either
isn’t really a big deal or is a temporary problem?

The SOLUTION to awfulizing is to remind yourself that it could be worse, it’s not the end of the
world, and it is temporary. Tell yourself “It’s not the end of the world, this too shall pass.”


When you or another person display a trait, behavior, or action that does not meet your demands, we
evaluate them (or ourselves) and ask “what does this mean about them?” We look at the trait, behavior, or
action and judge it as bad because it didn’t meet our demand. But then we take it a step further and judge
the person as bad too, as unworthy. We equate that one characteristic with the whole person, which
ultimately puts ourselves and everyone we observe in a situation in which we have to be perfect in all
areas in order to be deemed worthy. One flaw and we’re judged as all bad.
This need to rate and judge ourselves leads to low self-confidence, defensiveness, and approval
seeking behavior. In what ways do you tend to have low self-esteem? In what ways are you defensive? In
what ways do you go out of your way to seek approval?

The need to rate and judge others leads to feelings of superiority, mistreatment of others, and
discrimination. In what ways do you tend to judge others, feel better than others, mistreat others, or
discriminate against others?

The SOLUTION to people-rating is to recognize that one trait or behavior does not define a person.
Tell yourself “All people have both good and bad qualities and everyone is capable of changing and

Discomfort intolerance:

We already talked at length about discomfort intolerance and the emotional disturbance caused by
believing that one should never be uncomfortable and should always be perfect and approved of. When a
situation occurs we evaluate it by asking “can I stand or tolerate this situation?” And because it doesn’t
meet our demands the answer is NO. The more uncomfortable it makes us, the more we will do whatever
we can to avoid it, eliminate it, or avoid any other similar discomfort.
In what areas of your life do you tend to get really upset about being inconvenienced, disappointed,
or frustrated?

In what areas of your life do you tend to get really upset about physical discomfort or having
unpleasant emotions?

The SOLUTION to discomfort intolerance is to remember that perfection is impossible and that
discomfort is a natural part of life. Tell yourself “I’m not perfect and neither is anyone else. We are all a
work in progress. I might not like being uncomfortable, but sometimes the best things in life require
stepping out of my comfort zone.”


Yaptıklarınmızın %40 ı alışkanlıktır. Karar vermeden yaparız. Alışkanlıkların 3 parçası vardır:

Tetikleyici: yapacaklarımızı tetikleyen başlangıç noktası.

Rutine: Fiziksel, mental veya duygusal olabilir. Bizde pozitif veya negatif etkisi olabilir.

Ödül: Sonucunda bir yemek, duygusal bir ödül olabilir. Her yaptığımızda hoşlandığımız bir ödül.

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dijital çağ digital age